Gain a Comprehensive Understanding of Business Travel Policy

The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management course is designed for travel buyers and suppliers who want a deeper understanding of the foundational elements of a corporate travel policy. The course is taught by industry professionals with over 20 years of experience in both shaping travel policy and educating business travel managers. Learners will gain a better understanding of business travel management and make themselves indispensable to the needs of their organization.

Did You Know? The first two of seven modules of the course are free for GBTA Members in the Hub in 2024!

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GBTA members get the best registration rates!

In addition to the education discounts like this, members also receive exclusive content, downloadable tools, unlimited access to the GBTA Hub, including member-only discussion forums, and more.

Upcoming Courses

Spring Session – EST time zone

Lead instructor: Jennifer Steinke

Session Dates: May 1 – May 22
Live Classes Weekly: 10:00AM-12:00PM EST

Register by May 15

Members: $295
Non-members: $675

Fall Session – EST time zone

Lead instructor: Jennifer Steinke

Session Dates: September 11 – October 2
Live Classes Weekly: 10:00AM-12:00PM EST

Register by September 4

Members: $295
Non-members: $675

Wonder how the course times
translate to your local time?

Check out this Time Convertor World Clock

Wonder how the course times translate to your local time? Check out this Time Convertor World Clock.

What to Expect

Learners should expect to spend up to 2 hours per week on course pre-work. The virtual classes are engaging, on-camera sessions combining lectures and discussions with a focus on weekly modules. At the end of the course, participants will be emailed an electronic Certificate of Completion. Learners are required to attend each live session over the four (4) week period.

GTP holders will earn 14 GTP® Recertification credits.

Become an Indispensable Travel Management Expert

Course Takeaways

  • Real-world case study on travel policy application
  • New connections with industry peers and expert instructors
  • A practical understanding of how to plan, establish and improve a corporate travel policy

Key Topics

  • Overview of Travel Management
  • Travel Policy
  • Creating a Service Model
  • Strategic Sourcing/Vendor Management
  • Travel Technology Basics
  • Data and Analytics/Measuring Success
  • Travel Risk Management

Meet our instructors

jen steinke 2

Jennifer Steinke
Director Travel, Meetings, and Fleet

Jennifer Steinke is a veteran travel manager with a career that spans over 30 years in the corporate travel industry. Currently a Director of Travel, Meetings, and Fleet at Moderna, she has previously led managed travel programs for a variety of US and global organizations, managing travel spend up to $180m.

Jennifer has a background in travel management operations, travel technology, travel strategy and operations development in various consulting roles. Her diverse background gives her a unique skill set in developing world class managed travel programs.

Jennifer holds a Master’s in Business Administration, a B.S. in Business Management as well as her GTP (Global Travel Professional) and CCTE (Certified Corporate Travel Executive) designations. She is very active in the industry and serves on multiple industry committees and boards, including the Board of Global Business Travel Association (GBTA).


Interested in a specific course? Fill out the form and let us know how we can help. Email for further assistance.