Keeping Business Travelers Safe in an Uncertain Time

Keeping Business Travelers Safe in an Uncertain Time

Today, GBTA released a new poll showing continued resiliency in business travel following the Paris attacks. More than 90 percent of U.S. and European business travel buyers now report that their company’s travel to and within Europe has remained largely unaffected by the Paris terrorist attacks. This shows increased levels of resiliency since the immediate…

GBTA Poll Shows European Business Travel Remains Resilient  Despite Paris Attacks and Threats to Brussels

GBTA Poll Shows European Business Travel Remains Resilient Despite Paris Attacks and Threats to Brussels

Last week GBTA released a poll of U.S. business travel buyers about their company’s travel to Europe. The poll showed U.S. travel to Europe remained resilient despite the attacks. We also surveyed European business travel buyers last week and issued the following statement today regarding the survey: GBTA Poll Shows European Business Travel Remains Resilient…

GBTA Poll Shows U.S. Business Travel to Europe  Remains Resilient Despite Paris Attacks

GBTA Poll Shows U.S. Business Travel to Europe Remains Resilient Despite Paris Attacks

Last week GBTA President Christle Johnson issued a note to members expressing GBTA’s deepest sympathies for those impacted by the Paris attacks and noted that the business travel industry is resilient and we will continue to work together and stand strong. On Friday, the Chair of GBTA’s Risk Committee reflected on the Paris attacks and…

GBTA Risk Committee Chair Reflects on Paris Attacks and Crisis Preparation

GBTA Risk Committee Chair Reflects on Paris Attacks and Crisis Preparation

The following is a guest blog post from the chair of our Risk Committee. Erin reflects on the Paris attacks and the understanding that travel security risks exist everywhere and that anything can happen anywhere in the world at any time. You will also find more links below her post to resources created by the GBTA…