
Breaking Down the Business Traveler Sentiment Index

The first-ever GBTA Global Business Traveler Sentiment Index™ in partnership with American Express was recently released in July with the goal to understand travel trends in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan,  Mexico, United Kingdom, and the United States. It examined how business travelers feel about their travel experience and how those feelings affect their actual behaviors related to travel.

A previous version of this study looked solely at U.S. business travelers. This second wave, which added seven additional countries, shows how each country stacks up against the other across each component of the sentiment index. The Index is comprised of seven key components to get a feel for the overall business traveler experience:


In this global report, the GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index™ has been set to 100. In future iterations, the study will show how various components have changed and why. The table below highlights the difference in sentiment on the various components. A number above zero shows business travelers in that country rate the component more favorably while a number below zero shows a less favorable outlook.

The chart shows business travelers from Mexico score higher than average across every single Index component. Sentiment is particularly high with Mexican business travelers’ social media experience and the state of corporate and macroeconomic health. Business travelers in the United States, Australia and the UK all score just above average on overall business travel sentiment, while those from Germany, Brazil and Canada score just below average. Japanese business travelers, conversely, score low across all Index components except social media experience.
