Provide engaging, in-demand training

vetted by business travel industry experts!

GBTA’s educational toolkit aims to provide the structure and content for chapters and partner associations to deliver engaging in-person training enriched by practical case studies, participant pre-work, and learning discussion prompts.

Why this course?

The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management  (FBTM) course curriculum serves as a guide to the key facets and best practices of managed travel and procurement, and is an excellent professional development opportunity for students and professionals looking to enter the industry as well as business travel professionals who are new to the role, have changed companies, or are looking for a different perspective to expand their programs.

Key topics covered

What our participants are saying

What’s included in the Toolkit

The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management Toolkit aims to provide the structure and content for chapters and partner associations to deliver this course in person, increasing buyer membership and value. Toolkit materials include:

  • Course outline
  • Tutorial videos
  • Presentation deck
  • Briefing session
  • Program updates

The toolkit enables two different course delivery options.

8-hour in-person training14-hours in-person training
Instructor training session
Facilitator enablement video and presentation decks for in-person lecture delivery
Attendee-ready pre-recorded lecture videos
Case study content
Facilitator-led live discussions
Course sponsorship opportunity (optional)
GBTA instructor delivery (optional / additional cost)

Facilitators will be provided access to video lectures and may participate in the instructor training session with one of the experienced GBTA Academy instructors.

Frequently Asked Questions

This decision falls under the purview of the CPC. Different chapters and partner associations may require different price points according to their region. 

GBTA Marketing Department will be able to assist Chapters and partner associations with the marketing materials to showcase the benefits of the course to attendees and the leadership team. Graphic templates might be requested for chapters and partner associations to utilize as they see fit. Marketing responsibilities for the course will lie with the individual chapters and partner associations.

Yes, we will track individuals who undergo the train-the-trainer sessions and issue certificates of completion. After successfully conducting their first course, instructors holding the GTP certification will earn 2 GTP® Recertification credits for going through the training plus, another 24 GTP Recertification credits for delivering the content. Instructors will be eligible for 26 GTP credits every 3 years. 

At present, the training will be offered in-person only. Chapters and partner associations may also opt to engage an existing instructor for their course, although this will involve travel and associated fees for the instructor. If your members are not able to attend the in-person training and are interested in the virtual training option, please direct them to GBTA-hosted virtual training at The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management™ – Global Business Travel Association – GBTA 

Individuals who complete the Train the Trainer program and conduct classes are eligible for GTP credits. GTP holders will earn 14 GTP® Recertification credits. 

All updates will be included with the purchase/renewal pricing. To further clarify, the toolkit is purchased in a given year and updates are released in the same year, chapters and partner associations will be provided the material at no additional cost. However, if the toolkit is not renewed the following year and updates are made, the chapter and partner associations would need to renew to receive these updates. 

Please fill out the form below to get in touch with the GBTA Professional Development team with any questions and on the next steps in the buying process or email us at  

Let’s connect!

GBTA Professional Development Team  would be happy to provide more information, answer your questions, and help to get you started.